The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Managed Services

by Jon Lober | NOC Technology

Businesses should carefully weigh the pros and cons of managed services

Managed services have become a popular way for businesses to outsource certain IT functions, such as network management, cloud hosting, and data backup. While managed services can bring many benefits to a company, it's important to be aware of the potential drawbacks as well. In this post, we'll take a closer look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of managed services.

The Good: 

  • Cost savings: One of the biggest benefits of managed services is the cost savings that they can provide. By outsourcing certain IT functions to a managed service provider (MSP), a business can avoid the need to hire and train in-house IT staff. This can lead to significant cost savings, especially for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to hire a large IT team. 
  • Improved security: Managed service providers typically have a team of experts who are dedicated to ensuring the security of their clients' systems. They will often use advanced security measures and technologies to protect against cyber threats, which can give businesses peace of mind and help them avoid costly data breaches. 
  • Scalability: Managed services are often highly scalable, meaning that a business can easily adjust the services they receive as their needs change. This can be particularly useful for businesses that are experiencing rapid growth, as they can quickly scale up their IT infrastructure to meet the demands of their expanding user base. 

The Bad: 

  • Lack of control: When a business outsources certain IT functions to a managed service provider, they are giving up some level of control over those functions. This can be a problem if a business wants to make changes to their systems or if they have specific requirements that the MSP is not able to meet. 
  • Dependence on the MSP: By relying on a managed service provider for certain IT functions, a business becomes dependent on that provider. If the MSP goes out of business or experiences technical difficulties, the business could be left without the services they need. 
  • Limited customization: Managed services are typically packaged offerings that may not perfectly fit the needs of every business. Customization can be limited, and the business will have to adapt to the service offering of the MSP. 

The Ugly: 

  • Quality of service: While most managed service providers offer high-quality services, there are certainly some providers that fall short. Businesses should thoroughly research any potential MSPs and read customer reviews to ensure that they are getting a provider that will meet their needs. 
  • Hidden costs: Be sure to understand the full cost of the service, as some MSPs may charge additional fees for certain services or for scaling up or down. 
  • Risk of vendor lock-in: It's also important to consider the risk of vendor lock-in when choosing a managed service provider. Some MSPs may make it difficult or costly for a business to switch to a different provider if they are not satisfied with the service they are receiving. 

In conclusion, managed services can be a great way for businesses to save money and improve their IT infrastructure, but they are not without their drawbacks. Businesses should carefully weigh the pros and cons of managed services and choose a provider that will meet their specific needs. By being aware of the potential downsides of managed services, businesses can make an informed decision and ensure that they are getting the best service possible. 

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